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Cafe Terresee LinQ
Last time, my friend and I were looking for some restaurants to go for lunch and we saw this restaurant & cafe called Cafe Terrasee LinQ located near at JR Matsue station. They have a various lunch menu that you will enjoy while relaxing at the cafe. They serving the lunch menu from 11:00 to 15:00. They also have dinner menu or they called it "Yoru lunch" that starts from 17:00 to 23:00 (L.O 22:00) and a cafe from 15:00 onwards.

We ordered their Doria Plate. The recipe of the Doria changes every month and by this month, their Doria has a burger and creamy cheese on the top of it. It also have a pumpkin soup and a salad. For the drinks, I ordered their Honey strawberry lassi that I think will be perfect for my order. It has a sweet and yogurt juice taste that you may like, it also perfect for the dessert.

I highly recommend it for you! Hope you will like it~ 💛